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ঢাকা, ২৮ নভেম্বর বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০২৪


Govt suspends Citycell

২০ অক্টোবর ২০১৬ বৃহস্পতিবার, ০৮:২৩  পিএম

শেয়ার বিজনেস24.কম

Govt suspends Citycell

The government permanently suspends service of the country’s oldest mobile phone operator Citycell after it failed to pay the money it owed.

State Minister for Post and Telecommunications Tarana Halim announced it at a previously unannounced press conference at the office of telecoms regulators BTRC Thursday evening.

“Citycell’s spectrum is being suspended,” she said, reports agencies.

“Now, there is no way to return back from the suspension. Next steps will be the cancellation of its license,” added Tarana.

Earlier, a team of BTRC officials accompanied by RAB and police went to the Citycell office in Mohakhali amidst speculations that it was to carry out the official decision of shutting down the operations.

BTRC Director (Enforcement) Yakub Ali Bhuiyan was seen entering the Citycell Headquarters Pacific Centre in Mohakhali around 4:45pm on Thursday.

A few police and RAB officers accompanied him, while others stood guard outside.

শেয়ারবিজনেস24.কম এ প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত সংবাদ, তথ্য, ছবি, ভিডিওচিত্র, অডিও কনটেন্ট বিনা অনুমতিতে ব্যবহার বেআইনি।

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